Indie Books
Both of my indie books are very special to me. The first one listed here is a historical fiction based of the life of a truly remarkable man. I went indie with it because the man who hired me to write the book really wanted to hold a copy of it in his hands—and while I love traditional publishing, it can be very slow.
The second book is a compilation of my parenting column that I wrote for years for a local paper. It’s really and truly quite a scrapbook of my early years as a parent.

Jefferson Coates signed on for the War Between the States, ready to give his life for his country. He wasn’t prepared for blindness.
He lost his eyes. He lost his livelihood. But he never lost the stubborn grit that kept him upright. From the Battle of South Mountain to the bloody fields of Gettysburg, through the daily struggle to live as a blind man on the unforgiving American frontier, this Medal of Honor winner never flinched.
Rachel Drew was no ordinary woman. In a world when girls grew up quickly, she left home to forge her own dreams. She never expected to marry or raise a family . . . not until she met a broom maker named Jefferson Coates.
Based on a true story, “Memory of Light” is about two independent souls forging their life and love on the Nebraska frontier.