Just a brief post here to let you know where we are on the cookbook. Last week, was the publishing industry’s biggest book selling event, Book Expo America. It was held in Washington, D.C. There was a great deal of interest in the book. Evidently another Virginian dopped by and nearly wept at seeing the book proof. They were so happy that a professional cookbook about Mrs. Rowe’s food and life was finally being published.
My editor says the book will be sent off to press next week. Interestingly, even though book isn’t even being printed yet, you can pre-order it at Amazon or Wal-Mart.com. the official name of the book is “Mrs. Rowe’s Restaurant Cookbook: A Lifetime of Recipes from the Shenandoah Valley.” You may see some mistakes out there while the database folks are still figuring stuff out. If you do, please let me know.
We are also working on getting the promotional schedule together. Once that is all ironed out, I will post and let you know.