Here’s an email letter I received this morning from the Humane Society of the Unted States. I say “way to go, Mr. Puck,” and here’s hoping that others will follow his lead.
“Renowned celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck has implemented an historic animal welfare program that’s the first of its kind in the restaurant industry.
Working with The HSUS and Farm Sanctuary, Puck is implementing a nine-point program for all its operations, which includes an immediate end to the use of foie gras, more delicious vegetarian and organic options, and higher welfare standards for animals used for his menus, such as no confinement in crates or cages.
Chef Puck said, “If consumers could see how abused these animals are, they would demand change.”
Wolfgang Puck’s program is a major step toward curbing many of the worst cruelties associated with modern factory farms, and his company deserves applause for implementing it. Please thank Wolfgang Puck for raising the bar on farm animal treatment and reducing these animals’ suffering, and urge your friends and family to do the same.
Find out more at our web site, and thank you for all you do to combat factory farming.”