1.Tink and her fear of bus tires. Every morning she barks like a mad dog at the school bus tires. this morning there is a tour bus sitting at my neighbor's hours (his a driver) and we had to walk on the other side of the street. She wouldn't go near it.
2. Olive Kittridge is so good so far. MAN!
3. I hope we go to Rowe's this morning. I could use some of those pumpkin pancakes.
4. Steve knowing Mike Tomlin. Wow. The more I get to know Steve, the more I think he should really meet my husband. And also–he could SO be a stand-up comedy guy.
5. My memoir proposal is done–all I need is to work on the essays a bit more and figure out which ones to send as part of the package. I read a bit to my mom from the overview. She actually liked it. I have a list of mom's kitchen rules or ways. One of them is "Low fat, my ass." Her only comment is "Change that, please to 'low-fat, to my foot.' I don't want people to think I have a gutter mouth." But…Ma…
“Low fat, my ass!” Love it! That’s going to get inscribed on my kitchen wall. Thank you, Mollie’s Mom!
Thanks, Matt for responding. I think I’m going to leave “ass” in for the proposal. “Foot” just doesn’t have the same ring to it. 😉