1. Why can't it ever be as quick and simple as "We LOVE your book…let's get a contract to you immediately.." ?
2. I need boxes. (Jennifer, do you have any?)
3. Spending the day with my sweetie. He's finally taken a day off.
We're going to C-ville and he's dropping me off at Milan for LLL.
Wondering if Janis and Jenny will be there today?
4. The jogger Tink hates passed me by easily today. Wow, he's got some muscles in his legs.
5. Starting to research for our trip to London. Anybody know any great
deals? We are planning a spring/early summer family trip. (That is,
probably, until we see how much $$$. But we both feel that travel is
one of the best things you can do for your kids and so we are trying…)