1. Wondering if I'll get work in this morning.
2. Interesting note from agent yesterday. She wanted my updated bio for
a possible collaboration. She's not telling me much about it at this
point. But it brought my spirits up that she would even think of me for
this opportunity. Nothing may come of it–but still it's lovely of her.
3. I am so grateful for many of my friends who have helped me sooo much
the past few days because of the big let down. Tempting Will's
rejection. I should be used to it. But this one hurt. But here's the
thing: it's given me a cause to really think about what I want to do
with it and I'm not giving up. I am taking it into another genre.
Historical Fiction, here comes Will McGlashen.
4. In the mean time, I have plenty to do. The cake book proposal is
with my agent. I am working on my mystery novel, and getting ready for
the Holidays. Tis enough. For now.
5.Going to the dress rehearsal for the Lantern Tours at the museum tonight, which will be lovely.