1. Hate the Wii music. It sort of gets stuck in your brain. So this
morning, I'm using the ipod and turning it up so I don't have to hear
2. Getting very excited about the food writing conference in New York.
It's about a month away. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for decent
weather. I've just about decided on taking the train from
Charlottesville or Staunton. I thought about taking it from DC–but I
don't want to count on that plan in the middle of winter.
3. Megan's mom told me about a very nice and inexpensive bus that goes
up to NY from DC. But I get so car sick and that might be the worse
thing ever. The rest of the weekend would be NOT GOOD.
4. My book club meeting yesterday. I'm not sure I can keep it up. After
reading all day with the proofing and editing I am doing–along with
all the writing, it may be a bit too much.
5. The girls were kind of hung over this morning from all the soda
they've been drinking. We never have it in the house, except for
birthdays and holidays. They went a little overboard and felt pretty
bad this morning. Which gave me opportunity to point out why. Will it