1. Yes. I ran. I know what I said–that I wouldn't run every day. But I
won't be running tomorrow because I have early morning appointments–one
is a dr. appt., the other is a book signing. Someone from
Charlottesville is coming across the mountain for me to sign her books.
So, I'll be at Starbucks in Waynesboro tomorrow at 10–if anybody else
needs their books signed.
2. I took my daughters to get their pictures taken at the local Olan
Mills. They had this special running–which of course had all kinds of
small print and will end up costing me more money than the "special."
But the pictures are amazing. Especially Emma's photos. She's my kid–so
I think she is beautiful. Her sister is, too, and is photogenic, as
well. But something happens when Emma gets in front of the camera. It's
startling to me.
3. Up and down all night. I had forgotten to take my Benedryl. My dr.
told me to take children's Benedryl to help me sleep and it works–but
only if you REMEMBER to take it.
4. So many things are popping out of the ground suddenly. Spring is my
favorite season. I've written a poem about Spring. If I can find it,
I'll share it.
5. Can't wait to meet with the writing students at Waynesboro High
Here is the poem:
Spring is a woman
who thaws slowly, leaving patches
of snow behind, teasing
with hints of green
and bus the promise
of daffodils, dandelions,
tulips, cherry blossoms—
beauty yet to come.
Her name is Oya. Her rivers
and streams rush, roar, rise,
and flow over rocks, sand, mud,
to kiss all life with wetness,
cool and crisp, driven
from the winter snow.
She gurgles with giggles.
Her names is Gaia. Smell her
rich, luscious soil. Feel the
contractions from her life-giving
core while she gives birth
to the music of robins,
Sparrows, and cardinals.
She labors, toils and pushes.
She dances, giggles, and flirts.
She is raw beauty.
Her name is Woman.