1. I finished The Ninth Daughter last night. It's a historical fiction
mystery and it was fascinating. It was a slow read at first, but really
picked up. It's set in Boston in 1773 and the main character is Abigail
2. So now I'm reading The Women of the House about Margarete
Hardenbroeck Philipse building a vast fortune in Westchester Co., NY–in
1659. Great stuff.
3. An older lady came up behind me on my walk and scared me half to
4. Sending Eric off this morning. He sort of looked like a deer caught
in the headlights. I asked him to go this time because I've done this
trip before and the Science Museum in Richmond is
fantastic–particularly the Imax movie about Ancient Greece. He will
totally dig that.
5. The cake book proposal is still circulating. Another rejection on
Kitchen Queen, which was a lovely rejection. But still a rejection. And
so it goes.
Hello word!!!