1. So I woke up this morning to Eric's big arms wrapped around me. "Good
morning and happy anniversary."
2. Nineteen years of marriage is a long time–but it doesn't seem that
long, really.
3. We were together a long time before we had children. I look back and
think a couple of things. "What did we do with ourselves, with all that
free time?" Then, I remember. We went to concerts, bookstores,
restaurants, movies, plays, the opera, ballets, and oh yeah we went to
Ireland. I took Yoga and poetry classes. Eric took German and Latin
classes. Those days are gone–probably at least until the kids leave or I
get a full time job of hit it big with one of my books.
4. Sounds cliche, really, but Eric is my best friend.
5. Still, there have been times when it's been a challenge–to say the
least. But at the core of it all there is a deep and abiding bond
between us.