1. Maybe Eric was right–I shouldn't be running this week after that huge hike we went on. I have one knee that's troubling me.
2. It hurts worse when I run up hill so I need to stick to the flat road.
Lots of stories from both of my girls yesterday. I hope Emma figures
out her locker today. She came home with all of her supplies because she
couldn't open it.
4. Locker nightmares anybody? I still have a few…
5. Okay, Half a run is going to have to do. The knee is just hurting too much.
I remember how worried I was about my locker when I was going into middle school — if I’d remember my combo and if I’d be able to get my lock open. I got it all sorted out quickly, but even now, almost 30 years later, I still have dreams about going to school and not being able to get my locker open (as well as forgetting to study for the big test, not having shoes on…).