1. Frost sparkling on the grass.
2. Full moon glowing.
3. Fire glow orange edging the mountains.
4. Cool air in my lungs.
5. Birds flocking across the sky, reminds me of one of my poems I wrote when we we still living in Reston.
Am I Happy?
Thinking of our morning—
colored by a full moon,
sounded by Canadian geese
flying overhead. A strange
man waiting at the bus stop.
A new bus driver smiling.
You beside me. Walking.
Sitting. Waiting. This is my
life. Mornings come, moons
wax and wane, geese soar.
Strangers and bus driver
brush up against me, sometimes
flirting, sometimes not. A young
man asks me “Are you happy?”
I do not reply right away.
Happiness is hard work sometimes.
Other times it washes over you
with a peculiar, easy, sudden knowing.
Really lovely, Mollie. I can relate to those words so well.
Thanks, India! 😉