1. Transitions. I’m not sure how the gym membership is going to work with my writing schedule. But the pavement is wearing out my joints. I need that indoor track. And it will do me good to get out of the house more. Also, it will be lovely to NOT have to worry about the weather so much.
2. Slept in this morning. Sometimes, that melatonin works way too well.
3. The Wii run thing is very strange. Running in place is not my thing. I end up dancing. hahaha.
4. My neighbors will miss seeing me run on the streets every day. (Well, some of them will!)
5. Started and finished a pretty good book yesterday—The Sari Shop Widow by Shobhan Bantwal. It was a slow read at first, but it picked up the pace and was a fun story. Lots of interesting Indian food. YUM!