1. Yoga tonight. Once more chance. The first class I loved. The second? Not so much. Once more night before I make up my mind.
2. My dog Tink and I sometimes get a long very well, especially on our walks. But other times, she tests my patience. Like today. Let’s move along, Ms. Tink, shall we?
3. So, Christy came over and instructed me on how to use the sewing machine. And last night, I finished the quilt top I started a few years ago for Emma. It was so easy that it blew my mind. I like to use my hands on the quilting part–but I may try the machine, just for the heck of it at some point. But I find that using my hands is soothing to me. I often turn to quilting when I am deep down anxious.
4. I have a guy coming over today to look at the house to see about an addition. I’m going to call 2 others and see what they say, too. As far as we can see, there are 3 options for an addition. Let’s see what the pros say. In the mean time, the house is still on the market.
5. Thinking about the note from my editor yesterday. Interesting. If you want to reading about it, check out my author page on FB. Hit the like button and you’ll get updates. http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Mollie-Cox-Bryan-author/160250297352980
I’m constantly impressed by how many things you seem to juggle at once! Read the note from your editor on your FB page. I like the sound of Cumberland Creek.
Thanks for commenting and checking out the author page. The guy who was supposed to come today is sick. He sounded awful on the phone. So I guess that leaves me writing all day. 😉