1. My sweet Emma, pouring her heart into the Mulan audition yesterday and not getting a part.
2. Recently, I was paid for a memoir that I edited. I bought a new printer. My last one was just about dead. The new one is a scanner, printer, and copier. Very sleek looking. And it’s inspired me to clean and organize my office.
3. With all the drama around my family in Pa. these days, I was really down yesterday. I’m so grateful for the friends I have in Va. Brightens my life.
4. I was able to get to the farmers market yesterday between errands. We are set with tomatoes and cucumbers. I also picked up some Hollyhocks and Foxglove. I still need my yearly stash of herbs and Petunias.
5. My strawberries are really coming in. And yesterday Eric pointed out that we actually have some wild strawberries growing in another corner of our yard. Finding wild strawberries when I was a kid was always a treat. The flavor is so intense. I found myself as thrilled with our new cache of wild strawberries as I was when I was a kid finding them in the woods. Silly, isn’t it?