1. Yoga. My Yoga class is one of the best things in my life right now. I’m grateful for it.
2. Sweetness. My daughter’s friend Tess (yes my Tess has a friend named Tess) stayed with us last night. I could hear their conversations, their giggles, and they settled down very quickly and slept. My Tess was being such a good hostess making sure the other Tess was comfortable.
3. My mom back in the hospital. She is now going to have to be on oxygen for the time being. There is a lot of lung damage. And she is finally going to try to quit smoking. It’s hard for her to accept all of this.
4. I want to go to Pa. and see her and am trying to figure it all out.
5. Beautiful morning, though it’s hotter this morning than it was yesterday. The morning after Yoga is tough going. But it’s good. I feel my body–it brings awareness and that is always a good thing.
I’m really sorry about your mother and will keep her in my thoughts. I’m glad you have other nice things to help offset the stress.
Thanks so much. As it turns out, we are heading out tomorrow.