1. My character Annie’s blog post over at Killer Characters. What fun to write.
2. Both girls sick this morning. And I am struggling. Yesterday, I thought I kicked it.
3. Two weeks from today SCRAPBOOK OF SECRETS is released. Woot!
4. Running is getting harder–I’d rather Zumba. I need to find a way to crank the running back UP.
5. Downton Abbey. I just love it.
I hope you feel better, Mollie! From my experience, running tends to help you fight off whatever it is—like a cold. I think running is challenging, but afterwards you feel so wonderful!!! I just tell myself to put one foot in front of the other and go! Last night I went running with 2 other ladies I know—1 is in her 20’s & not sure how old the other is—20’s or early 30’s. I had to stop 4 times to catch my breath on this 4 mile run—Bell’s Lane. Well, I went home feeling like okay so you’re old and you can’t keep up! The 4th time I stopped I told them please just keep going…… My husband kindly listened to me work through how I felt. I told myself I was running the same route this morn. I did and I timed myself and was happy with my outcome! It’s hard when you remember how fast you use to run in your 20’s and you just can’t do it anymore. One thing I know is we are being an example to our kids by running or excercising, too! So please hang in there and you are also fighting something off!!! I totally agree with #5 on your list! Finally, congratulations on the relase of Scrapbook of Secrets! What a talented lady you are! : ) I hope you have a wonderful , sunshiny day! I sure am : )
The time is 2:12 not 7:10—-FYI
Hi Sally. Thanks for responding. Yes, we are being good examples for our kids.AND we are keeping in shape to keep up with them. 😉 Thanks so much for the congrats! Have a great day1